I'm going to swap the speaker in my Blackheart cab. In preparation I've removed the back and have just played a little with it open. Now it sounds fine to me, not sure I can tell the difference!
So given the cab is supposed to be enclosed, can anybody tell what in theory the difference would between a fully enclosed, partially close and open cabs?
Listen to the low end, particularly to the tightness. I find open backs are nice in smaller rooms as they disperse better and fill the room (in a studio they give you more room micing options, but you'll lose a lot of that on a big stage. Closed back are obviously more directional.
Some speakers work better in a closed back cab, getting more prone to low end "flub" at volume.
Thanks. Have done a bit more research too, think I'll try screwing on a piece of 1/2 inch pine top and bottom for a semi enclosed rear and see what that's like.