Hi everyone,
I've got some gear (an amp, a few beginner-ish electrics) that I've been meaning to get rid of for some time, but the idea of dealing with GumTree and all its possible weirdos is daunting. I was then thinking of using the classifieds here, but it struck me that I'm not going to get much money from this stuff, and I'm really only selling to free up some space: what about donating to a school or other community project that has a good music program and could either use the equipment or flog it themselves to buy more appropriate gear for the kids?
Anyone got any good leads in this regard? Cape Town area.
I agree - rather than just giving it away willy-nilly to one of the Gumtree "beggars", rather find an organisation that handles it.
Bothners and CCFM do a yearly drive for musical instruments for the less fortunate. I presume you could ask either of them. Otherwise I'm sure other members will know of other organisations.