Rikus wrote:
Good luck slogging all of that back to SA! ?
That and the Tolex and the grill cloth and some other choice bits for another secret project project. Beats a bajillion rands worth of shipping though.
Karel wrote:
Nice one EZ :yup:
It would be interesting to hear what you think of the difference between the 18 watter and the 5E3. Success with the build.
Funnily enough, I'm not expecting the two amps to be day and night really. From what I hear and read on the interwebs they are similiar in that they break up at lowish volumes and have lots of drive when you wind them up (and I do, because I can). This kit is supposed to have very decent transformers and it seems like good quality parts otherwise so I'm sure it will come out great.
Some of the work is done for me already, the board already has its eyelets installed and the VVR is a printed circuitboard that just needs to be populated. It does however scale the entire amp, which may mean it won't be super awesome at very low volumes, but then again, no amp is awesome at super low volumes so thats prob ok in the greater scheme of things. This amp should be straightforward to build, however, I'm going to build a cabinet and cover it too (It is going to be RED). Maybe one day I'll do everything myself.
I'm selling my HT5 to fund some of this stuff, I wanted a vintage style single channel dirty amp, that I can carry in one hand but that is loud enough to play unmic'd gigs.
I've had some suggestions from Makepeace about mods, however, I'm going to build it stock to start with (besides for the VVR) and see if I can live with the loose bass I'll surely get with my LP. If not I'll tweak some coupling caps to cure that a bit (but not too much, a Tweed is mos a bit flubby ne?)