Thanks for the welcome guys ?
The downside of this forum is that it leads to chronic GAS (Gear acquisition syndrome)
This I know already. I'm already stupidly proud of myself when I walk out of the Jean Village Bothners with nothing but the strings I intended to purchase. :-[
You've made the monkey very happy. Real life evidence
Singemonkey is a boss! ? I just wish he'd do a similar guide for acoustics... *ahem* *cough cough*
I had to Google the Shorty - hadn't seen one before. Very interesting... like a Steinberger with a headstock.
I can highly recommend it for just fooling around. The only problem with the thing is that it's headstock is about as heavy as the rest of the guitar, so you really need to put it on a strap, otherwise you have to keep supporting the neck with your fretting hand. But it did cost me only a grand, so I'd highly recommend it.