X-rated Bob wrote:
If you can wait a bit and save a bit more you can do quite a bit better. The difference between a 15 grand and a 20 grand acoustic is often not much, but the graph of bang and buck has a steeper curve lower down the price range, so the difference between a 2 grand guitar and a 4 grand guitar can be significant.
Just my 2c worth of experience to further validate that. ^
There can be a big difference between a few hundred rand on the 2nd hand market.
Usually a R2k acoustic 2nd hand - you're looking at Cort Earth Series (actually they should be cheaper) or the model I had before my current, snap can't remember.
That or some beat up Washburns - you won't be spoilt for choice on gumtree - from my experience anyway.
But (and maybe I just got lucky) R2700 got me my current Cort CJ5X - which I feel was a great deal.
Tanglewoods are awesome and certainly also for consideration.
But you've mentioned you're just wanting to find your groove initially with an acoustic - so perhaps you don't need us talking your budget up another R2k ?
But hey - good luck and sure you'll find something that suits your needs ?