So been wanting to get my feet wet in valves . so off i go and order some 12au7 and 12ax7 valves and holders from mr valve (excellent service btw) and start my endeavor with a valvecaster , a 12au7 circuit running at 12v ,( circuit says 9v but definitely sounds better at 12v) .
so heres the diagram
, simple enough
the end product
firstly worked out the box , was very happy with that , and was surprised by how good it sounds straight into my mixer . very bright sounding , and sorta squishy if you know what i mean , with a nice crunch at full gain , tone stack could be changed for a fender stack i suspect but all in all i was very happy with the out come . the thinline definitely has taken a liking to the preamp
now moving right along the next stage to this project
the Tomatoe preamp running a 12ax7 at 120v
psu has been built , but yet to be tested .
the original plan is the chase the valvecaster into the tomatoe into the SS main stage (a 5w tda2003 ciruit) but if all goes well the main will be a mosfet 18w , if not the valvecaster will become a pedal .
but loads of fun was had building this so far ....