I will do these things. But before i replace the wiring, caps and pots. I want to put in a set of Tonerider City limits pickups (http://www.customshop.co.za/citylimits.html). Yay or nay? They seem to match what i'm looking for tone wise. Which is a combo of clear but deep lows temperate mids and tight highs. I play a lot of high gain hard rock and i dont like it when the bridge pickup makes my ears bleed.makepeace wrote: I've got an exact such cheap keeper squier. Some (cheap) modifications that I have made are, and the parts for these have mainly come from generous donations (thanks):
-Replacing the pups with mex/usa pups
-Replacing the bridge block with a solid brass one (you'll have to check yours, but squires usually come with a cast bridge block of way less volume)
-Replacing saddles with real deal (not pot metal) ones
-Redoing/replacing pots, jack, cap and wires
-New nut
What are pups by the way? ???
I shall have a look for a wiring diagram and let you guys know.
Thanks for all the help Alan, Royce and ryan!