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Andy Barnes : 082 072 4173 (Sandton area, also solid state)
Alan Hean: 011-672 9897 (Johannesburg area)
J.P Le Roux: 082 560 7257 (Johannesburg area, service, repairs and modification)
Martin Horne: 082 536 3339 (Pretoria area)
Michael von Bulow: 083 360 9172 (Midrand area)
William Lai: 082 343 8830 (Johannesburg area)
Kim Williams: 073 262 2167 or 083 245 3227 (repairs and services most things electronic although he prefers valve equipment to solid state. Pretoria area.)
Benjamin Craig – Craigamps: 0827087511 (custom made valve amps and pedals) - https://www.facebook.com/craigamps
Bill Lange : 0837970346
Colin Woodward: 082 990 2211 www.valvetone.co.za

Cape Town:
Marshall Music CPT, ask for Zenon: 021 426 6325
Karel Mars(Paarl - forum member) (072 446 5072) http://www.marsamps.co.za/
Matt Alison(Forum Member) http://www.ashtonaudio.com/
Jeremy Busby (Bothner's Plumstead but repairs amps privately) - 021 761 4828
Nicholas Loock (Northern Suburbs - Forum Member) 083 425 3875
Proteknik (Claremont): 021 674 1126

Mark Wilson: 083 2981 704

Glen Turrell: 031 266 7329 (Amp Tech)
Dave Long: 083 236 6563 - See more at: http://www.guitarforum.co.za/?action=pm#sthash.YvlpafxQ.dpuf
    Can someone maybe pin it in this section?
      Nicholas L wrote: Can someone maybe pin it in this section?
        Bill Lange no longer in the business?
          I'm not sure. If anyone knows and has his details then we can add it to the list.
            Thanks Joe. Just to make sure they are in the Gauteng area?
              Joe Moore wrote:
              Nicholas L wrote: I'm not sure. If anyone knows and has his details then we can add it to the list.

              I was given Bills' number very recently , I was told he's still in the business.... Bill Lange : 0837970346

              Also , Andy Barnes is now contactable on this cell number : 0820724173
              Ya that's the number I got for Bill too, although for Andy Barnes I had 072 310 7378, so ta for the update.
                2 months later
                I think Marshall Music should be removed from this list as far as Tube amp repairs are concerned.

                I Recently had my Fender Bassman top with Marshall Music Cape Town for 5 and a half months, only to recieve the amp back with the output transformer in a plastic bag. After the transformer had been handed from technician to technician I was told it was not working and needed to be rewound and this was the main problem. Dissapointed and heartsore I took the amp home. My father suggested I take it to a guy he knows in Bloemfontein a guy by the name of Mark Wilson. Mark had the amp for 2 days and had it working. He fitted the transformer back and replaced the capacitors that where faulty.
                Turns out there was nothing wrong with the transformer. 2 days, Mark sent me pics as well as a detailed work list of what he had done. The knowlege and passion Mark has for valve amps really made me excited all over again. There really aren't any good efficient and competent valve amp techs in SA.
                Mark is an American chap, very qualified and really passionate about what he does.
                I have heard conflicting stories about every valve amp guy in South Africa from all my guitar buddies.
                I have been playing valve amps for 27 years, Fender bassman blackface, silverface, marshall bluesbreaker, marshall plexi top 50watt( stolen from my car after gig, car stolen too...) and I have fiddled on amps and with all my gear.
                Mark Wilson has built a few clones and I am fortunate to have played and am to be the proud owner of the 5c5 Fender Pro Tweed 1954 clone...What a lovely tone, very much like my fender bassman, just breaks up a littl earlier and something sweeter in the middle top range..very nice on the single coil strat i have.

                Anyway after all the guys that have fiddle on my amps, and all the dissapointments and technical stories that dont add upto my fairly techncal and very practical mind, I will be tracking all my amps to Bloemfontein to Mark Wilson's den of tubes and vintage valve magic.
                My amps come back working and sounding better than ever. This guy has the best advise, save money where possible, he even threw in a tube or 2.and only American or British, no Made in Russia or China stuff.
                Mark Wilson's contact no:083 2981 704
                  24 days later
                  Added Jeremy Busby to Cape Town. Highly recommended. Works at Bothner's Plumstead, but repairs valve amps in his spare time.
                    13 days later
                    Great info here!
                    Who would one recommend for solid-state combo amp repairs in CT Southern Suburbs?
                      Julian Emdon (LooneyAtTheGate) wrote: Great info here!
                      Who would one recommend for solid-state combo amp repairs in CT Southern Suburbs?
                      Actually Bothner's have a pretty good workshop for S/S (they have to have to keep the Roland agency). There are some things they won't work on though (thanks to issues getting propriety spares from some distributors). In the latter case speak to Bernie at Proteknik in the Werdmuller centre (upstairs from where Bothner's used to be). Come to think of it, I'm not sure if they are still there, so you'd best check before you go...
                        Yes Proteknik are amazing! He fixes pedals too, very cheap and quickly.

                        I have a vague memomy of getting an sms that they've moved, but i fear I may have deleted it ☹
                        Did anyone else get it?
                          add the following oke to the list also, he is based in Nelspruit, did a fine job on my Supro amp and he also does his own amps

                          Colin Woodward 082 990 2211 www.valvetone.co.za
                            Julian Emdon (LooneyAtTheGate) wrote: I have a vague memomy of getting an sms that they've moved, but i fear I may have deleted it ☹
                            Brookside Office Park, 11 Landsdowne Road, Claremont. Tel (021) 674 1126. info@proteknik.co.za
                              2 months later
                              Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
                              Julian Emdon (LooneyAtTheGate) wrote: I have a vague memomy of getting an sms that they've moved, but i fear I may have deleted it ☹
                              Brookside Office Park, 11 Landsdowne Road, Claremont. Tel (021) 674 1126. info@proteknik.co.za
                              Just phoned and asked for Bernie but the lady told me he passed away some time ago. ?
                              They are still operating though.
                                2 months later
                                Most of the more "commercial" music shops (Music Connection, marhsall music etc) don't have proper techs on site... they send stuff away to get fixed.

                                J.P Le Roux (082 560 7257) Johannesburg area, service, repairs and modification
                                Did a rocking job at fixing my intermittent problem on my DSL 401 when I was getting to the point of wanting to ditch it and get something else... but I couldn't bring myself to sell the thing knowing something was wrong with it... so I fixed it with the intention of selling... but I am keeping it!!!
                                  7 days later
                                  JP is a wizard. I had him do some proprietary mods on my blues junior. Mind blowing stuff.
                                    I've had great experiences with Dave Long in Durban, Tel: 083 236 6563. What a great guy!