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Where do poolmen come from? Does the occupation make them masquerade as a subspecies? I am confounded! >☹
    i believe they come from early 70's porn movies , as woman were getting bored with firemen , it took them to long to undress. i believe that is where the original wah was was designed as well , for the chessy porn movie soundtracks
      OK so you are suggesting that they are the offspring of botched early 70s porn movie scenes? LOL

      The 1st one to visit my house was an offensive, skinny "pool expert" in guava coloured pants pulled as high as his chest, a professional, permanent slouch sporting a Hitler moustache and all this placed neatly under a green baseball cap. He left after berating me about the water level. I needed to breathe into a paper bag after that.

        I get you Conrad, has the exact same experience with a poolguy giving me lip about the water level that not right etc etc....After a while I was like "Hey Buddy, remember who the customer is here"...and I advised him of his soon to be demise with the poolbrush....
          Explorerlover wrote: I get you Conrad, has the exact same experience with a poolguy giving me lip about the water level that not right etc etc....After a while I was like "Hey Buddy, remember who the customer is here"...and I advised him of his soon to be demise with the poolbrush....
          Oooh........hehehe was it a steel brush? Those are nasty.
            Yep....one nasty tooth brushing experience...HA!HA!HA!HA!

            Just works my t!ts how some of these guys treat you when you are putting food on his plate
              Explorerlover wrote: Yep....one nasty tooth brushing experience...HA!HA!HA!HA!

              Just works my t!ts how some of these guys treat you when you are putting food on his plate
              Yes. These guys are being paid a small fortune to fix some cracks and they haven't been to my place in 4 days so I just lost my blob!
              I hope I am not violating a forum rule.
                funny. they act high and mighty giving you lip.. but does he know its only water level. Shame. It could happen to us too if we where that old and still virgins! hahaha
                  Chest waxer like the "40 year old vrigin"......ouch
                    That whole scene from the 40 year old virgin that gets his chest waxed killed me. When he called that woman a motherf***er when she pulled off the wax, I couldn't stop laughing.
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