Where do poolmen come from? Does the occupation make them masquerade as a subspecies? I am confounded! >

Oooh........hehehe was it a steel brush? Those are nasty.Explorerlover wrote: I get you Conrad, has the exact same experience with a poolguy giving me lip about the water level that not right etc etc....After a while I was like "Hey Buddy, remember who the customer is here"...and I advised him of his soon to be demise with the poolbrush....
Yes. These guys are being paid a small fortune to fix some cracks and they haven't been to my place in 4 days so I just lost my blob!Explorerlover wrote: Yep....one nasty tooth brushing experience...HA!HA!HA!HA!
Just works my t!ts how some of these guys treat you when you are putting food on his plate