VellaJ wrote:
May I ask why flat-topping is even less likely than square-waving?
Music is between amp and speakers an AC voltage. The positive swings are (over time) the same amplitude as the negative swings. Your solid state power amp makes this out of a 'symmetrical rail': a set of positive, ground and negative voltages. The positive is as much voltage to earth as the earth is to negative, in a proper amp power supply. Meaning, if you want to push out more power and the amp runs out of volts, it will do so at the positive side as much as on the negative side. If this happens to extremes, the signal runs from positive power supply voltage, very quickly down to negative power supply voltage and quickly back up. This is what they call square waving, and it ruins speakers tweeters first.
You probably assumed that the music is represented by a positive-only signal, so that if the amp runs out of volts it flattens the tops. the point is that it flattens both the positive tops and the negative tops, which looks like a square wave.