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in my opinion i rate you cant get better then the bluesky.
the supernatural is close in comparison but i think the bluesky just does everything better.

its just short of double the price of the supernatural but well worth it !
If only i had the cash... >☹
    I love my strymon, but I don't use it sparingly at all! :-[ ?

    Don't know if it was just the particular demo I saw, but the supernatural's shimmer sounded darker, almost more "evil" in a way ?
      I have the TC Electronics NR-1 Nova Reverb. I haven't used any other, so I can't compare, but I've never had reason to consider changing so there's that. Also, not sure whether it's worth it price wise, got mine for a steal second hand...

      What I can say, is that I now never touch the verb on any of my amps. I have a "softer" setting on preset, and kinda intense setting on manual, which pretty much takes care of all my verb needs.
        Both nice, but for me, between the Blue Sky and the Supernatural, the Blue Sky hands down.

        But talking "best", Eventide Space would also be in the running for me - more powerful, more flexible and programmable, but BIG. What the Strymon TimeLine is to delay, the Space is to reverbs.
        kayDUB wrote: Don't know if it was just the particular demo I saw, but the supernatural's shimmer sounded darker, almost more "evil" in a way ?
        Don't quote me, but I don't think the Supernatural is all perfect octaves, they've mixed a detune in there too to thicken it up.
          The main question is , do you want a reverb for recording or for live use , ???

          And i see you use the word "sparingly" when discussing use
          and "spring" reverb

          so seems you and i are on the same page ,

          ok 1st , for home studio sessions a good reverb is essential and i recommend you get the best you can afford

          2nd if you use reverb sparingly then for live use just use whats on the amp , most old tube and solid state amps have real spring reverb tanks built into the amp so just a hint of that works ,

          don't forget too many muso's make the mistake to set their tone and reverb in their small lounge or rehearsal space which would need more reverb to create a biggger space and wonder why it sounds so different in a large venue when the sound takes more time to reflect off the walls of bigger room thus causing natural reverb also once the room gets packed at showtime the bodies absorb sound so another adjustment needs to be made in tone and reverb

          for some gigs especially acoustic ones i use no reverb as the natiral reverb is sufficient and the less the reverb is on acoustic instruments the more natural they sound ,

          again ignore everything above if you want to "wash" your sound with reverb (use it as an effect ) but if you just using reverb to create a sense of space then use sparingly as you posted , then most any reverb will work live, and like i said if you want it for a home studio then buy the best you can afford but if you doing pro sessions just spend the money on something else as most pro studio's record dry and add reverb later and they own top end ones? so again just the reverb on your amp is sufficient espcially if it has a real spring reverb tank
            It does indeed look like that blue sky is worth the extra. I will be using it live and home use. Think I shall save up a bit and keep using my EHX holy grail (which has a beautifull spring)

            The reason I started searching for verbs is because I sometimes play in a church band, for the rock stuff I am sorted but the slow worship stuff I get stumped and bored so I was looking for something to create space,effect and ambience ?
              shadow1 wrote: It does indeed look like that blue sky is worth the extra. I will be using it live and home use. Think I shall save up a bit and keep using my EHX holy grail (which has a beautifull spring)

              The reason I started searching for verbs is because I sometimes play in a church band, for the rock stuff I am sorted but the slow worship stuff I get stumped and bored so I was looking for something to create space,effect and ambience ?
              +1 i only want a bluesky for that reason !
                Check these out:


                That would be my choice for something simple and good sounding.

                They can be used like a mini pedal board!

                  a month later

                  You won't be disappointed. Impossible with Strymon pedals.
                    Both the Eventide Space & Strymon Bluesky are great reverb pedals...but at US$499 & US$299 respectively, i'd think more than twice before spending the dosh. How important is reverb to your sound?

                    Other pedals to consider besides the Hardwire Supernatural...

                      T.C electronic Hall of Fame has treated me fantastically. I played it out against the hardwire and it won out convincingly, with the only positive of the hardwire being the reverse reverb, which is admittedly pretty cool.
                        dont forget the strymon Flint! 8)

                        but shimmer is a cool effect! ?
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