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  • Gear
  • DIY Isolated Pedal Power Supply

Hey guys,

This is a build I did yesterday.
It's a power supply with 6 isolated 9V outputs from 3 PCB-mount transformers.

Each output is limited to about 200mA.
The Red LED's show a working output and the Yellow LED's are a waring for circuit overload.
(1 Red led isn't on, but will sort that out later!)

On the whole, really happy everything went without a hitch! (and I didn't get electrocuted in the process)

Why not just buy a Pedal Power 2? Whats the fun in that ?

For those who are interested, here's the process involved:

Board after etching and cleaning.

Components soldered and standoffs attached.

Board attached to enclosure bottom lid

I wanted to be able to switch it on/off with a stomp switch ?

Top case drilled - lots of wiring for the led's as each one is isolated as well!

Attached all the led's & switch to the main board.

    Verry nice, what was the complete cost of the build, if i may ask?

      Could you maybe post the schematic of this? I really need a power supply
        Cost about R500. (Transformers: R50 x 3, enclosure: R180, rest smaller components)

        Anyone considering building their own, check out:

        The schematic is pretty much identical to the "4 output isolated" power supply, with the addition of overload LED.

        A great place to start is with the AMZ power supply. It's not isolated but PCB's are available and it avoids connecting to mains voltage. It's comparable to the Dunlop DC Brick and I like the small size!


        Here's mine:

          The only flaw of these types is that the earths are connected between power outlets. This creates a ground loop through power lead 1 - shield of signal cable from stomp 1 to stomp 2 - power lead 2. Especially with lotsa gain in the subsequent chain, this is not ideal. Not necessarily a problem though, depends.
            Thanks for those links. Will post when I get them done
              2 months later
              Hi good looking build there! ?

              I've been wanting to build one myself but I'm not too clued up on the electronics side.

              I see three different 9v double output transformers on RS components their power ratings say 1.5VA, 2.3VA and 3.2VA does that mean I divide the power rating by the voltage to get the power output?

              Which did you chose for your build?
                The transformer VA choice depends on the expected current consumption.
                Not too sure what you mean about power output.

                I used 3VA transformers, but 2VA should suffice. I got mine from Mantech.
                  ? cool thanx I'll check out the prices on mantech!
                    16 days later
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