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I think my Peavey Classic 30's tubes just died. ☹
I had the amp on and have been jammin for an hour then while sitting here the amp made a loud screech and stopped working.
There is a hectic smell coming from the amp as well. I switched the amp off and then back on and i just saw purple glow and switched it off immediately.

Firstly who can you recommend to repair the amp? I am Cape Town based. (think I read something about a Carel Mars?)
Secondly what tubes are recommended? JJ's? (I like the fender type tone)
Is it necessary to take it in or can I just replace the tubes myself?
    It could be one of several issues. I don't believe that all the tubes would blow at the same time. If it has a rectifier valve, that could be the problem as well. Have a tech check it out. Karel Mars is a forum member and you could google him...... Mars Audio in Paarl.
    Good luck.

    Here it is http://www.marsamps.co.za/
      Thanks Vic,

      I think it is perhaps a good idea to get someone to check the amp out.
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