I've been fighting my GAS for a Tele for two years now. But reason has prevailed. I have four electric guitars, but I don't own (and never have owned) an amp - going straight into the PA via a multi-FX pedal. So knowing full well that an electric guitar is only one half of what is designed to be a two-component system, I think its time to set this outrageous situation straight! So the Tele fund has now become the amp fund.
Hence I need some advice from you guys, as I am a total newb as far as amplification goes. I've sort of got an idea of amp and preamp, but that's about it. I know from what I've read that I'd prefer a valve amp to a solid state one. I play more rhythm than lead, and I play more pop and classic rock than metal, shredding, etc. I am entirely persuaded by the excellent article I read on Hellfire Blues' blog, and am not interested in a 100W stack - I intend mic'ing the amp through my PA, so visceral nose-bleed inducing loudness is not an issue at all. Based on all I've read (subject to the disclaimer that I don't know much :-[), it sounds like I would really love a VOX AC15.
So I've been looking around, and came across the Vox Valvetronix+ range. The 40+ is small, compact, good looking, and contains bells and whistles that appeal to a multi-FX type like me - and on asking for discount at PB I was told I could probably have it for R 2 800 new. Half the price of the more bulky, FX-less AC 15 they have on the floor (and the Valvetronix includes sims for both AC15 and AC30 among its 99 presets) . Speaking to the salesman, he however mentioned it is not a full valve-amp, but only has a valve in the pre-amp. At this point I ceased understanding with my limited knowledge, and said I'd get back to him. But based on my type of PA rig, transport options, etc, this amp seems ideal. I love the idea of carrying around this compact amp - the AC would require me to reconfigure the way I travel to gigs.
Anybody have personal experience of the Valvetronix, or able to glean enough off the links below to give me some advice? Is it an acceptable substitute for the AC 15, given my relatively modest needs, aspirations and budget? Should I save for the AC15, or look in an entirely different direction?
Any advice will be most appreciated!
Hence I need some advice from you guys, as I am a total newb as far as amplification goes. I've sort of got an idea of amp and preamp, but that's about it. I know from what I've read that I'd prefer a valve amp to a solid state one. I play more rhythm than lead, and I play more pop and classic rock than metal, shredding, etc. I am entirely persuaded by the excellent article I read on Hellfire Blues' blog, and am not interested in a 100W stack - I intend mic'ing the amp through my PA, so visceral nose-bleed inducing loudness is not an issue at all. Based on all I've read (subject to the disclaimer that I don't know much :-[), it sounds like I would really love a VOX AC15.
So I've been looking around, and came across the Vox Valvetronix+ range. The 40+ is small, compact, good looking, and contains bells and whistles that appeal to a multi-FX type like me - and on asking for discount at PB I was told I could probably have it for R 2 800 new. Half the price of the more bulky, FX-less AC 15 they have on the floor (and the Valvetronix includes sims for both AC15 and AC30 among its 99 presets) . Speaking to the salesman, he however mentioned it is not a full valve-amp, but only has a valve in the pre-amp. At this point I ceased understanding with my limited knowledge, and said I'd get back to him. But based on my type of PA rig, transport options, etc, this amp seems ideal. I love the idea of carrying around this compact amp - the AC would require me to reconfigure the way I travel to gigs.
Anybody have personal experience of the Valvetronix, or able to glean enough off the links below to give me some advice? Is it an acceptable substitute for the AC 15, given my relatively modest needs, aspirations and budget? Should I save for the AC15, or look in an entirely different direction?
Any advice will be most appreciated!