So I am very much a fuzz fan ? Since MIKA put a video up from Black Keys it made my GAS for fuzz go to an entire new level.
So is there an "ultimate fuzz" out there? if you where to put 1 fuzz on your board what would it be?
I have a little big muff, mxr classic 108 fuzz and a Zvex Fuzz factory. I often find the fuzzes to be too woofy or too ear piercing ( I run single coils mostly)
here are some of the better fuzz pedals I have found
So is there an "ultimate fuzz" out there? if you where to put 1 fuzz on your board what would it be?
I have a little big muff, mxr classic 108 fuzz and a Zvex Fuzz factory. I often find the fuzzes to be too woofy or too ear piercing ( I run single coils mostly)
here are some of the better fuzz pedals I have found