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So I am very much a fuzz fan ? Since MIKA put a video up from Black Keys it made my GAS for fuzz go to an entire new level.

So is there an "ultimate fuzz" out there? if you where to put 1 fuzz on your board what would it be?
I have a little big muff, mxr classic 108 fuzz and a Zvex Fuzz factory. I often find the fuzzes to be too woofy or too ear piercing ( I run single coils mostly)

here are some of the better fuzz pedals I have found




    There will be an ultimate fuzz for you, but it's not always the same one another fuzzhead regards as their ultimate.
      Alan Ratcliffe wrote: There will be an ultimate fuzz for you, but it's not always the same one another fuzzhead regards as their ultimate.

      I am interested to hear what most people enjoy using. I personally like that thick wall fuzz sound but must not be mushy (like muff pi)
        ...and I've discovered that for me, the best fuzz is no fuzz - I haven't had one on a board for decades. But on the rare occasion I do use a fuzz (for synthy, square-wavy textures) a Big Muff emulation/model usually does the job.
          Alan Ratcliffe wrote: ...and I've discovered that for me, the best fuzz is no fuzz - I haven't had one on a board for decades. But on the rare occasion I do use a fuzz (for synthy, square-wavy textures) a Big Muff emulation/model usually does the job.
          I hope to one day be at that point. The Tubescreamer is what changed my direction. I used to be a plug in and play the amp type of player....until that dreaded tubescreamer entered my world ?
            Fuzz.... My obsession too. Lovvvvve it! Have you seen the skinpimp vids? The skinpimp buzzaround is cool.
            The last fuzz I built was hard to let go haha, but its new owner will be happy.
            I call it a Cult effect...... And some hate it..... Not me.
              The Blackarts Toneworks Pharoah also rates as my ultimate want to have. Another one I've been looking at is the Fuzzhugger Algalbloom. Problem is, there are so many available...

              But my current favorite fuzz is my SickFuzz. Hands down the best fuzz I've ever owned.
                I have also recently fell in love with the fuzziness. I got a fuzz factory which I love and a mxr classic fuzz that is avg will prob use it for bass.

                That dual fuzz sounds great, nice and versatile.
                  FOR ME :


                  . . . . . . AND . . . . . .


                  . . . . . . AND . . . . . . .



                    or the SS twosome ?
                      Everyone seems to go through a "fuzz" period, but I think 90% end up going back to regular distortion pedals. ?

                      The best fuzzies I've owned were a Kevin Randall Gypsy fuzz...this guy knows his stuff, you want "Jimi" he'll give it to you.

                      And, Skreddy pedals...I owned the Screwdriver and Top Fuel...LOVED both of them...but all sold now, don't need them any more.

                      Once you get the fuzzes then you move onto the Uni Vibes, and that's another world.
                      Check out the Kevin Randall (KR Musical products) Uni Vibes...excellent.
                      I just cant sell my Bob Sweet "Mojo Vibe"...a thing of beauty, sounds great with some fuzz...thanks to Brent for making a mistake and selling it. ?
                        The "Bee in a Tin Can"? Nah....not for me. Now, a Tube Screamer - that's a totally different matter!
                          Tokai SA wrote: Everyone seems to go through a "fuzz" period, but I think 90% end up going back to regular distortion pedals. ?

                          The best fuzzies I've owned were a Kevin Randall Gypsy fuzz...this guy knows his stuff, you want "Jimi" he'll give it to you.

                          And, Skreddy pedals...I owned the Screwdriver and Top Fuel...LOVED both of them...but all sold now, don't need them any more.

                          Once you get the fuzzes then you move onto the Uni Vibes, and that's another world.
                          Check out the Kevin Randall (KR Musical products) Uni Vibes...excellent.
                          I just cant sell my Bob Sweet "Mojo Vibe"...a thing of beauty, sounds great with some fuzz...thanks to Brent for making a mistake and selling it. ?
                          I hear you, but i am deff not one of them !

                          I have treid sooo many dist. boxes, and it is just not for me.
                          I am all about fuzz boxes, as no amp can do a real fuzz tone.
                          I prefer to get my main dirt tone from the amp.
                          The only real dist pedal(s) that i tend to go back to (of the few that i actally own) is the Duncan Lava Box & custom made 4-into-1 RAT.
                          80% of my dirt boxes are fuzz, the rest is Treb Boosters / regular Boosters / Dist. boxes, or "Combos", like the MXR MC-402 Dist/Boost
                            Chabenda wrote: The "Bee in a Tin Can"? Nah....not for me.
                            Now, a Tube Screamer - that's a totally different matter!
                            Bees in a tin can ? . . . only if you EQ them like an idiot !

                            ALL My fuzz boxes are (to my ears) lush and very WARM sounding.

                            OD's tent to smoooofff out my amps natural gritty dist tone, and i do not like that !

                              nick wrote: =
                              NICE! you loving this one Nick? I remember our boards where very similar at one point. I do like this fuzz
                                Stoner Riff wrote:
                                Chabenda wrote: The "Bee in a Tin Can"? Nah....not for me.
                                Now, a Tube Screamer - that's a totally different matter!
                                Bees in a tin can ? . . . only if you EQ them like an idiot !

                                ALL My fuzz boxes are (to my ears) lush and very WARM sounding.

                                OD's tent to smoooofff out my amps natural gritty dist tone, and i do not like that !

                                I'm an Idiot............ ???
                                  Chabenda wrote:
                                  Stoner Riff wrote:
                                  Chabenda wrote: The "Bee in a Tin Can"? Nah....not for me.
                                  Now, a Tube Screamer - that's a totally different matter!
                                  Bees in a tin can ? . . . only if you EQ them like an idiot !

                                  ALL My fuzz boxes are (to my ears) lush and very WARM sounding.

                                  OD's tent to smoooofff out my amps natural gritty dist tone, and i do not like that !

                                  I'm an Idiot............ ???
                                  Hahahahaha . . . does the shoe fit ?




                                  I am just saying that most fuzz'es can be EQ'ed away from that tinny/bizzy sounding "bee-in-a-coffee-tin", rubbish tone.

                                  My NYC Big Muff can sound like utter sh*te (if EQ'ed so) or deep, thick, warm & lush sounding that can overwhelm you, like warm honey flooding your tongue.
                                    shadow1 wrote:
                                    nick wrote: =
                                    NICE! you loving this one Nick? I remember our boards where very similar at one point. I do like this fuzz
                                    I am, I found the big muff a bit harsh, this thing can go from light fuzz to face melt, from bright to insanely bassy. Can pick germanium or silicon etc. Depending how my budget goes I may have to flog it to cover my impulse purchase ?

                                      Depending how my budget goes I may have to flog it to cover my impulse purchase ?
