Hey guys.
I've got a Starfield VT-100, it's a 5881 powered 100W 2X12 combo with a plate reverb unit.
I don't know if it's in my head, but it seems like reverb is thinning out. With the dial turned full, it's very vague.
It's possible that in the last week or two I've just become too used to the infinite reverb levels possible in Guitar Rig, but if the plate reverb is indeed regressing, what should I look out for?
I've been too lazy to pull off the back cover, but will take picks of the reverb unit this weekend so you juys can see hows it's connected.
I've never seen a plate reverb unit in another amp, so I can't really compare it.
Any advice would be appreciated!
Without having checked the specs on your amp, what might be the case is that the signal going into the plate (send gainstage) and/ or the recovery gainstage are not amplifying enough. If those are tubes, you could try rolling them to see if that's the problem.
Hmmm... a plate reverb in a guitar amp? I doubt it... The plates alone are usually 2.5 m x 1 m. ?
Agree on checking the valve first, but can also be the transducers in the tank (if it's a spring reverb. But then again, you aren't even sure if it has changed or if it's always been like that and you've only noticed now.