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I'm always moaning about bad sound, and in my opinion, a lot of the problem is bad quality gear.

Then I came across Dan. Dan is a gear nerd, and he hires out PA. He dry hires to engineers and people who know what they're talking about.
We attended a party where a reggae band played on one of his systems, and the sound was superb.

To give you an idea what you would be in for:
For R5000.00 you get: Mackie 1232 active speakers which are 1250 W rms per side (2.5 Kw ), a 24 channel snake, Mackie 24/4 mixer and 4 Yamaha MSR 400 monitors.
For R3000.00 you get Mackie 1521 active speakers, 650 W rms per side ( 1.3 Kw ), a 16 channel snake, a Yamaha 16/6 cx mixer, 2 FBT 12aB monitors and a Crest 15" monitor.

Google those model numbers and check the specks for yourself. I'm not a fan of the studio monitors, but those Mackies PA speakers never fail to impress.

We've hired in his Ampeq svt3 pro Bass amp with Ampeq 4 x 10 cab, that thing kicks serious ass. He's also got a beautiful maple Yamaha Tour custom drum kit. We normally collect from him, he's around the corner near Westpark Cemetery(JHB), but he does deliver set up and strike as a service as well. He's also a qualified engineer who apprenticed under Ian Osrin.

Contact Dan here: info@rhymeswithorange.biz
    Yes, I have worked with Dan and have good dealings. Check him out!

    Cheers ?
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