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Hi All

This might sound unusual but my REVEREND keeps lending me Opeth CDs LOL!
So anyway, I finally succumbed to the lure and now I am listening to "Orchid".
Please keep in mind that this is just my subjective take but thus far, I find the music very epic and dark and it seems to paint a picture. It is very heavy with the death vocals.
I see almost any music as something to explore and learn from even if it is not exactly my usual listening genre (if there is such a thing).
So what I am hoping is that some of the Opeth lovers (and I know there are many here) would educate me a bit more on what attracts them to Opeth etc and also maybe what material of theirs I should really look out for etc etc etc.

    for me, I reckon it's the "epicness" and the fact that it's dark. Not a real fan of the death vocals stuff although they work on some songs. Michael Ackerfeldt really writes a good tune whether it's using electrics/distortion or his Martin acoustic. I would highly recommend their Damnation album... much "lighter" but still heavy with regards to the lyrics. My favourite track from this one is probably Windowpane. Also, try and get a hold of the Lamentations DVD....Uber cool...escpecially when they play Closure [also on Damnation]...with this they've got this whole build up to the eastern sounding part at the end.
      LOL does your reverend know that Opeth are Anti-Christian ?

      I'd say ALL Opeth Albums. Check out their DVD's too you'll see how spotless they play
      (except for the Drapery Falls intro lead on Lamentations DVD ?)

      They also have a couple of in studio DVD's well worth watching.
      Most people say Opeth are boring and drag on too much but what they don't understand is that the repetition is more of a feeling thing and if you're not feeling it, you're not getting it.

      Most fans also don't prefer the second last album "Ghost Reveries" as it's the most 'boring' but the most polished album (production wise)

      The latest album "Watershed" has probably one of my all-time favorite productions in every aspect, from the organic tones of the drums down to the song writing.

      Michael Akerfeld said that Deliverance was their worst album. You'll see on the Documentary of the Lamentations DVD that they were going through a lot of trouble recording it lol also Andy Sneap (mixer) said that that that album was a salvage job.
      Explorerlover wrote:...with this they've got this whole build up to the eastern sounding part at the end.
        deanBailey wrote: LOL does your reverend know that Opeth are Anti-Christian ?

        I'd say ALL Opeth Albums. Check out their DVD's too you'll see how spotless they play
        (except for the Drapery Falls intro lead on Lamentations DVD ?)

        They also have a couple of in studio DVD's well worth watching.
        Most people say Opeth are boring and drag on too much but what they don't understand is that the repetition is more of a feeling thing and if you're not feeling it, you're not getting it.

        Most fans also don't prefer the second last album "Ghost Reveries" as it's the most 'boring' but the most polished album (production wise)

        The latest album "Watershed" has probably one of my favorite all-time productions in every aspect down to the organic tones of the drums to song writing.
        Yes he does LOL. That does not seem to perturb him.
          well dean and explorer lover basically said it all.
          I really really do enjoy Opeth. they are hmmm.. a very good band.

          +1 to how epic they are and also how you should definately watch the 'lamentations' DVD.

          At the moment im really enjoying 'Still life', the song 'benighted' on that album is really amazing.

          Hope you discover more amazing Opeth CD's (there are quit a few, basically all of them ?)
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