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Cool, nice find. I'm looking forward to giving the new one some quality listening time.
    Ja,thanks for the link,have been listening to them for years,one of my favourite bands..
      5 days later
      Ok this new Paradise Lost is unbe-freaking-lievably good. It's serious. It's heavy. It wields heft and momentum. It makes me want to jump on the desk, headbang, smash things and sneer antisocially.

      Awesome. Makes me remember why I spent an entire December holiday listening to Shades of God over and over again, lo those many years ago.

      Tragic Idol. Get it.
        5 days later
        I'm into Draconian Times and Gothic at the mo. I player Requiem and Faith Divides to death. That Swede on the drums is a perfect match for them.
          I'm into Draconian Times and Gothic at the mo. I played Requiem and Faith Divides to death. That Swede on the drums is a perfect match for them.
            I'm into Draconian Times and Gothic at the mo. I played Requiem and Faith Divides to death. That Swede on the drums is a perfect match for them.
              I'm into Draconian Times and Gothic at the mo. I played Requiem and Faith Divides to death. That Swede on the drums is a perfect match for them.
                Quadruplet post for the win! Hehe.

                Yeah I like Requiem and Draconian too, but to me this new one has impact like only Shades had. It's right up there.
                  BMU wrote: Quadruplet post for the win! Hehe.

                  Yeah I like Requiem and Draconian too, but to me this new one has impact like only Shades had. It's right up there.
                  Hate posting on my phone.
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