I've always wanted to take a guitar and turn it into something unique, so the other day I got bored, grabbed a cream colored Squier Bullet and figured "why not?" It has some bad fret buzz, I'm still not sure if it's bad frets or just from it needing a setup (really hope it's the last option...) but otherwise it's in good condition. I looked up some road worn strats and I'd like to end up with something like this, but maybe not as heavy:

I originally wanted to take a sunburst SX strat and turn it into a replica of Frank Zappa's Jimi Hendrix guitar, but apparently the finish on those are tough as nails - unless someone can suggest something that doesn't involve completely stripping and repainting it?
I'll probably start by aging the pickguard, knobs and pickup covers. Coffee doesn't seem to work no matter how long it's left in, so the next time I try it I'll attempt to use shoe polish...
If anyone has any tips, now is probably a good time. ?

I originally wanted to take a sunburst SX strat and turn it into a replica of Frank Zappa's Jimi Hendrix guitar, but apparently the finish on those are tough as nails - unless someone can suggest something that doesn't involve completely stripping and repainting it?
I'll probably start by aging the pickguard, knobs and pickup covers. Coffee doesn't seem to work no matter how long it's left in, so the next time I try it I'll attempt to use shoe polish...
If anyone has any tips, now is probably a good time. ?