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I've always wanted to take a guitar and turn it into something unique, so the other day I got bored, grabbed a cream colored Squier Bullet and figured "why not?" It has some bad fret buzz, I'm still not sure if it's bad frets or just from it needing a setup (really hope it's the last option...) but otherwise it's in good condition. I looked up some road worn strats and I'd like to end up with something like this, but maybe not as heavy:

I originally wanted to take a sunburst SX strat and turn it into a replica of Frank Zappa's Jimi Hendrix guitar, but apparently the finish on those are tough as nails - unless someone can suggest something that doesn't involve completely stripping and repainting it?

I'll probably start by aging the pickguard, knobs and pickup covers. Coffee doesn't seem to work no matter how long it's left in, so the next time I try it I'll attempt to use shoe polish...

If anyone has any tips, now is probably a good time. ?
    The finish will not wear like that.. I have a beater squier, it looks like it has moles on it cause the paint chips off in spots.

    You'll be better off painting it with something..
      MikeM wrote: The finish will not wear like that.. I have a beater squier, it looks like it has moles on it cause the paint chips off in spots.

      You'll be better off painting it with something..
      Was afraid someone might say that.
        Question I have to ask... why? How is distressing a crappy guitar going to make it less crappy? If it still sucks, there was never any point. If you stop it sucking, your basis for distressing it is gone.

        Flog the bullet and put the money towards a decent guitar. If you still want it distressed, either get unfinished parts and finish, or strip and refinish, with a super-thin coat of pure nitro-cellulose finish (assuming you can get it in SA). Then play the hell out of it. Voila. Distressed.

        I get that worn guitars look cool. But an obviously faked worn guitar looks super-lame. This is why people pay lots of money for pro "relic" jobs - and why guitars like the roadworn Fenders have a bad rep (mass produced distressed instruments look as genuine as a plastic Porsche). Surest way to do it without paying a pro is to have a guitar with nickel hardware and a very thin pure nitro finish and just play it like hell.
          singemonkey wrote: Question I have to ask... why? How is distressing a crappy guitar going to make it less crappy? If it still sucks, there was never any point. If you stop it sucking, your basis for distressing it is gone.

          Flog the bullet and put the money towards a decent guitar. If you still want it distressed, either get unfinished parts and finish, or strip and refinish, with a super-thin coat of pure nitro-cellulose finish (assuming you can get it in SA). Then play the hell out of it. Voila. Distressed.

          I get that worn guitars look cool. But an obviously faked worn guitar looks super-lame. This is why people pay lots of money for pro "relic" jobs - and why guitars like the roadworn Fenders have a bad rep (mass produced distressed instruments look as genuine as a plastic Porsche). Surest way to do it without paying a pro is to have a guitar with nickel hardware and a very thin pure nitro finish and just play it like hell.
          Why? Because I'm looking for something inexpensive to experiment on where I don't have to worry too much about it. I have a lot of guitars, so I don't have to "put the money towards a decent guitar" when I just need something to mess around with.
            You probably don't want to hear this, but I'm a +1 for the rather play the hell out of it than fake it. Strip it and put a really thin finish on and throw it around for a couple of months ?
              makepeace wrote: You probably don't want to hear this, but I'm a +1 for the rather play the hell out of it than fake it. Strip it and put a really thin finish on and throw it around for a couple of months ?
              Alright, fair enough ? I don't mind doing that. I just like experimenting with the idea of doing something with a guitar that makes it unique, whether it's a relic finish or a refinish or attaching flashing LED lights to it if that's what makes it personal.
                I know it seems like I'm busting your chops, and that's not my intention, but just remember that "unique" is often a synonym for "hideous." I don't deny that even a very unskilled mod can look good - see Eddie Van Halen's guitars - just that two things should ideally be kept in consideration:

                (1) Is it going to make people put on a fake photograph smile and say, "Yes. It certainly is uniiiiique..."?

                (2) Are you going to be able to play the thing thing or is it just some kind of craft project like making a pic of your dog out of macaroni? ?

                Chief consideration is still going to be seeing whether you can do a home fret dress to get rid of that buzz. I decided I couldn't with my squier and hence sold it t cheap-cheap with full disclosure knowing that paying someone to do it wasn't worth it.

                Cos you can always get a used Yamaha Pacifica 112 - which almost all play like guitars worth vastly more - and mod that, and you'll have a guitar that's unique (and even looks good if you plan it out) and you can really play.
                  the guitar is a cheapie , why the hell not experiment with it ...and see what you get at the end.....at worst you have lost a few rand on the fact you could of sold it ,,,at best you create something awesome and irrespective of what happens you learn a whole pile. experience is invaluable. Keep detailed photos an diary here online i for one am keen to see this

                  Are there ppl that seriously pro-relicers of guitars?

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