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  • Guitar
  • Spin's 100 greatest guitarists... Skrillex at 100. Jimi doesn't make the list.

At first i was What the FUUUU???, but it actually makes sense when you read their explanations.
    Although this would not be MY top 100 list, it's definitely nice to read something a little against the grain of popular thinking. I enjoyed that. ?
    Very interesting read.
      An interesting list indeed, not just for who they leave out (Hendrix, Burton...) but who they include. I'd forgotten that I ever knew about Robbie Basho.

      I wish people would stop putting Kurt Cobain high up in guitar polls. I think he's important as a figure and as a musician, but not particularly as a guitarist.

      King Sunny Ade in the top 50. And they picked Verlaine and Lloyd as a pair. Cool.
        Great to see Bill Steer on the list!!!
          I see a few heroes and about 50 people I have never heard of. I think it is one sided and even if it was genre specific, where is Dan Auerbach, why is JAck white so low? too many question...
            Oh and it got me thinking of this; single hottest moment in Rock history...

            PJ, Thunder Bird, Orange... Is it just me?
              Nice seeing a different kind of list to the usual suspects.
              Some people that maybe need to be on that list though:
              - Joey Santiago (Pixies)
              - Jeff Parker (Tortoise)
              - Jon Spencer/Judah Bauer (Jon Spencer Blues Explosion)

              looks a bit like mr Singemonkey ?
                sjoe... its getting hot in my air conned office :-[
                  That's the first 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time list that I've ever checked where the majority of the artists mentioned I had never heard of.

                  Given that they use the "Of All Time" qualifier I'm afraid to say there are some glaring omissions from this list, and a 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time list that has the pair from Sonic Youth in number 1 slot is just plain silly!

                  I mean, how can you not find a slot in the top 100 for the likes of:
                  - Jimi Hendrix
                  - Jimmy Page
                  - Stevie Ray Vaughan
                  - Eric Clapton
                  - Robert Johnson
                  - Freddy King
                  - BB King
                  - Django Reinhardt
                  - Sonny Landreth
                  - Eddie Van Halen
                  - Steve Vai
                  - Joe Satriani
                  - Pat Metheny... there are just so many true masters of the instrument that I can't mention them all!

                  BUT: Jam Master Jay of Run DMC in at number 10??

                  Syd Barrett makes the list, at a lowly 58, beaten by Doug Martsch, Kim and Kelley Deal, Euronymous, Greg Sage, Johnny Thunders (just 6 on the same page as Barrett that I'd never heard of, never read about in a guitar magazine or general music publication...), but somehow Syd Barrett, great as he truly was, merits a place on the list while David Gilmour, whose career success spans DECADES as opposed to Barrett's handful of years, doesn't get a mention??

                  No, whatever this is it sure as hell isn't any kind of "100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time" list. To be honest, if they called this the "Famous and non-famous people selected seemingly at random" list, they'd be much closer to the mark.

                  - EDIT -

                  Skrillex??? It sounds like something you use to wash toilets with! The article even says "Look, as far as we know, our asymmetrically coiffed party pal has never held a guitar in his life", so how in the name of all that's sacred does he get a foot in on a 100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time list??

                  You know what, Charlie Parker (DOH! I originally wrote Charlie Patton who of course WAS a guitarist) should be on that list because, well, you know, IF he'd ever played guitar, he would have been awesome at it! I mean that like totally seriously dudes!
                    I guess there's hope for us all after all....
                      6 days later
                      Lethe wrote: Great to see Bill Steer on the list!!!
                      Yes. Pity he only makes it onto what is obviously a joke list. Still, a list that excludes Hendrix and includes Carcass...been waiting a long time to see that.
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