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  • Gear
  • Dr Parts Body & Necks

DR. Parts are made by Team International Co. They make distribute / promote / whatever the SX brand of guitars.

If you go here - http://www.teamintlco.com - and click on the Partners link in the left nav, you'll see Dr Parts listed there.

So as far as i am aware, SX is a cheap, but decent, brand, so R550 a body that isnt plywood, i guess it is well worth it.

See they do Les Paul bodies n necks too - http://johannesburg.gumtree.co.za/c-Sports-Leisure-musical-instruments-Les-Paul-style-necks-and-bodies-W0QQAdIdZ357122193

Might get a LP kit sometime..
    Yeah, I guess for a first time project/assembly this should be fine obviously with better quality hardware(Stewmac :?)

    My motivation is this:

    If all goes well, my motivation for my next project:

    LP with bolt on neck ?. I was wondering about the difference between bolt on vs set neck the other day. There are actually different views on this, but I guess for a personal project I'll do one as well ?
      yeah man, there are a lot of LP copies with bolt on necks. Palmer for instance. good luck with the project, and post tons of pics.
        Cool will do. Moerse learning curve ahead. Getting the body next week
          yeah man, but its fun tho. just one thing to remember: go slow on the painting!! rather put lots of light coats down and be patient and let the color build up, rather than blasting away to get it all covered in 2 coats.

          here are some tuts on painting basics - http://www.reranch.com/solids.htm

          also, if youre looking for stuff for your build, TerryD is great for pickguards, screwes, strap buttons etc. theyre nice n cheap too and posts the stuff all over SA. TerryD guitar parts page - http://terryd.co.za/gtrparts.html
            Blues Brother wrote: So looking around on Gumtree, I came across this:


            Anybody have any experience with Dr Parts products?

            I want to build a Tele, but will only source the body and neck from them.

            Any help or possible pitfalls wrt Dr Parts bodies/necks will be appreciated
            Hrm, this is tempting as I wanted to change my strats body for something with less thick plastic paint.
              18 days later
              Help !!!

              Did Anyone contact the advertiser, if so please give me a contact number .....as his adds are no longer live

              I did notice that he is in the Kayalami/ Liperzano area .... doff of me not to write down his number

                Message recieved back from David

                Hi there , currently i have stock of all the necks and bodies available :

                Fender strat style neck , maple/rosewood fingerboard @ R500
                Fender Tele style neck, maple/rosewood fingerboard @ R500
                Les Paul style std neck @ R600
                Les Paul style custom neck @ R600
                Les Paul style custom body, mahogany @ R600
                Les Paul style std body, mahogany @ R600
                Fender strat style body, alder @ R500
                Fender Tele style body, alder @ R500

                My cell number is 0823065397

                David Callaghan
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