Bumped into an old friend today and we got chatting. When I mentioned I do Tube Guitar Amplifiers as a hobby he has asked me to have a look at an old Roland Bolt 60 amp that he has that needs repair...
As soon as I get my mits on it I'll post a few pics.....could be interesting....
They have a solid state preamp and a tube power amp. Not bad amps for what they are!
Ive heard alot of good things about the bolt. Aparently a great amp for modding! Would love to hear one!
I had one ,,great lil amp ..sold it to ryanguit but he has been quiet on the forum lately.
I had one too. It was great with a Les Paul for lead and crunchy rhythm but its clean rhythm sound wasn't great at all. That really put me off as I was playing for money in restaurants and country clubs and the rhythm sound was a priority. After many years of abuse it caught fire one night and that was that. RIP