makepeace wrote:
The 12DW7 is a hybrid dual triode, it is essentially half 12AX7 - half 12AU7 (the 12AX7's lower gain cousin). It depends on your configuration, but essentially you'll be lowering the gain of one of your preamp stages (which Deluxe do you have? do you know the year, model etc?).
Its quite a commonly done thing to swap lower/higher gain tubes in preamp slots, esp with the 12AU through AX7 family, but unless you know enough about the subject, its better to listen to what those who do have to say. Its normally fine, but you do get pre tubes that have different pinouts and this could cause problems if you aren't circumspect.
You will have a slightly decreased output with the 12DW7, and the tonal palette will most likely be somewhat changed. Its all up to your ears to decide which is best for you. You'd might even like to try the 12AY7. This tube has gain in between that of the 12AU7 and 12AX7 and is the staple 5E3 V1. I wouldn't suggest going for a 12AU7 though, people don't seem to like them in amps of this topology.
Good luck and have fun.
Thanks very much for this.
Yes, the idea with the hybrid 12DW7 would be to lower the pre-amp gain somewhat, with a view to trying to get it a little smoother and seeing what sort of sound comes out. If I don't like it I can always change back. I'm just quite new to playing around with tubes, and in my situation it's actually the pre-amp tubes that will have the biggest impact. Power tube-wise, I will order myself a pair of the Winged C SED tubes next month, but for now I just need some spares, so I've ordered some Tung Sols from Mr Valve.