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Does anyone here know where I can get hold of a (new or used) original Edge tremelo? I've seen a couple used on Evilbay but they're hellishly expensive with shipping from the States and all that. I was hoping that someone perhaps has one lying around that they're not using and would be willing to make a deal? ?
I know they stopped manufacturing these some years back but maybe even a supplier who has old replacement stock???
    Nevermind, I've just ordered a secoind-hand one off of Ebay for a ridiculous amount ?
      What did you end up paying out of interest?

      I changed the horrid Edge III in my RG350 for the Lo-pro. I had a look around on Ebay but I ended up just getting a new one from Rich at Ibanez Rules as it was cheaper than many new and uses ones on Ebay.

      As far as I understand Ibanez still make most of the trems as spare parts even though many of the older ones violate copy right patents with Floyd Rose. Cost me 260 USD + 50 for shipping.

        theCraig wrote: What did you end up paying out of interest?

        I changed the horrid Edge III in my RG350 for the Lo-pro. I had a look around on Ebay but I ended up just getting a new one from Rich at Ibanez Rules as it was cheaper than many new and uses ones on Ebay.

        As far as I understand Ibanez still make most of the trems as spare parts even though many of the older ones violate copy right patents with Floyd Rose. Cost me 260 USD + 50 for shipping.

        This one has a tiny bit of rust on it from what I can tell by the pics, but it can be expected as it's from an '89 RG560. USD149 excluding shipping and the inevitable VAT and clearing fees when it arrives (I'm assuming that will end up being around 15% of the purchase price).

        I looked at ordering from IbanezRules, Rich seems to have a very good reputation, but it would have worked out rather pricey and I've spent a small fortune on this axe already, starting to wonder if I may as well just have bought the RG550 currently on offer in GFSA's classifieds :/

        Those Lo-Pros are damn nice! As far as I know Floyd Rose's patents for the OFR (which the original Edge design is based on) expired a few years back so they should actually be quite a bit cheaper new compared to the Lo-Pro which Ibanez would still have to pay licensing fees to Floyd Rose on since the patent for the lo-pro design is still active. Aaaanyhoo....
          By the way, did you have to route out the cavity on your 350 or did that Lo-Pro drop right in there as is?
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