How can I eliminate or reduce the hiss on my 25yr old JC50, I have removed the clip-on connectors to the power trannies and soldered the wires directly to eliminate any connectivity problems and I use an external mains filter. The amp is in pristine condition and I occasionally clean the circuit board to remove dust. I recently acquired a Boss NF-1 which cleans up the signal from my pedal board so now it's just the hiss that is a bother. Any advice or suggestions? Thank you.
Silly questions, but... assuming no guitar or effects are plugged in, just amp switched on:
is it hiss or hum? (like white noise or a specific note?)
Does the loudness of the hiss increase when you increase the amp volume?
If the amp volume is set to zero, is the hiss still there?
If you remove the external mains filter, does it make any difference?
If you turn the amp treble control way down, does the hiss change at all?
My JC120 (a new model) has very slight hiss (similar to white noise) that is always there as soon as the amp is switched on and is not affected by any amp controls (does not get louder)