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  • ok what do i call this post ...too many options ....you decide

Well, if I were naming the thread I'd call it...

"I wish I could play the f***ing guitar like Keira does".

    Tokai SA wrote: Well, if I were naming the thread I'd call it...

    "I wish I could play the f***ing guitar like Keira does".

    Amen to that brother!
      Awesome playing! :applause:

      ...inspired me to dust off my Nylon for the first time in a long while. (Thanx)
        Very good sound indeed Keira....just remind me......is that the stock floating pup on the Epi ?

        That guitar sounds on par with any more expensive Gibson jazzer from what I hear through the PC...... You may benefit from a larger speaker imho just to bring out more mids and bottoms from the guitar, but then my PC speakers are not much good at mids and bass. Would love to hear you live....in Stellenbosch ! ?
          Hey great playing and great tone!
            Vic wrote: Very good sound indeed Keira....just remind me......is that the stock floating pup on the Epi ?

            That guitar sounds on par with any more expensive Gibson jazzer from what I hear through the PC...... You may benefit from a larger speaker imho just to bring out more mids and bottoms from the guitar, but then my PC speakers are not much good at mids and bass. Would love to hear you live....in Stellenbosch ! ?
            yeah thats the stock epi floater..........i wanted to replace it originally but not anymore........ . it took me a while to figure out it sounds better when not fully open ............but now i found it , it's great thru any amp ............ i get killer jazz tone from my tube amp with 12 inch ....... my cube with 10 inch and my batterry amp which has an 8 inch which is what i used to record and gig with here ......... and all with minimal tweaking .......... and no effects or eq pedals ect ......it;'s instant jazz tone and old jazz tone......... but then that jazz box is suppossed to be a re issue of the epiphone emperor regent from 30's so if i had to review the guitar i would say ........it does/achieves what it set out to achieve...that of being a vintage sounding and feel and look jazz box.......

            as for a bigger speaker.......... i'm discovering i actually like the archtop (we NOT talking the tele) with the 8 " it removes all the excess bass that the archtop seems to generate and i get a fat jazz tone without the boom ...which is what i like............ thru the 12 " tube amp i have to watch that bass does not boom but that guitar has impressed me no end ......

            as for tone i just fitted that classic 57 gibson pup i bought into the neck position of my tele..and it sounds fabulous...... BUT when i plug the archtop into same amp it holds it's own and offers in my opinion a more open vintage tone than the gibson but also thats the difference berween hollow and solid bodies...........

            that epi is a fabulous find and incredible value for the money , a luthier i know who makes top end guitars was over visiting me last wed and he looked at the build quality and said he could NOT turn out anything close to that for the price........he said just the wood used would set him back most of what i paid and according to him the finish and everything is immaculate and all for less that 6.5 K

              Yeah that Epi is a great sounding guitar, especially with the stock pup...just perfect . I am seriuosly considering getting one too as I would love to have a good jazz box. I also (try to) do jazz with the Les Pauls (finger picking) but just cannot get (understandably) THAT sound.
              Congrats on a lovely axe.
                Forgot to ask...what strings/gauge do you have on the archtop ?
                  Vic wrote:
                  Yeah that Epi is a great sounding guitar, especially with the stock pup...just perfect . I am seriuosly considering getting one too as I would love to have a good jazz box. I also (try to) do jazz with the Les Pauls (finger picking) but just cannot get (understandably) THAT sound.
                  Congrats on a lovely axe.
                  @vic if you want one order it quick while there's still stocks in storage somewhere .......as i read on a jazz site epiphone are stopping production of quite a few models and this one i have the Emperor regent is one that they not making anymore but i did see a few onsale at online shops new.....
                  so i guess there's still stock at present

                  anyway speak to marshall music in woodmead who import them .........but as far as i know the one i got was last one in country ...cos they had to ship the one i got up from durban to jhb so i could get it ............

                  but just a warning ... if you read my initial review on it you'd remember that when i got it out of the box........ it needed a fret dress and a new nut and a bridge sanded down and a whole major setup to get it in a condition i would accept it ...........

                  but thankfully marshall music footed the bill for it but after all the major setups it's an amazing guitar ........ but i woulda walked away from it if they never offered to set it up....... cos that musta been about 1K's worth of work or more done to what was a brand new guitar .........so be aware it could be pretty nastily setup just out of the box .... but thats my one and only gripe and it was sorted at marshalls expense ?

                  the up side it's instant jazz tone and look and feel .

                  but it's a huge guitar 17" across body but also very long ....... i'm waiting for a case for it ......... but it's too long to even fit into a guitar bag or even a jumbo 12 string acoustic guitar case....... ....... and i carry it around at present in a acoustic bass bag ? thats all that fits it ......... but that sheer size is aboslute stage presence , i get constant compliments from non guitarists and guitarists to how awesome it looks on a stage

                  @ vic ..........the strings i use are D'addario chrome 12's - 52 they flatwound of course
                    8 days later
                    11 days later
                    Very beautiful music ! Thank you! ?
                      7 days later
                      That archtop has a great sound! ?
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