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Hey guys,

I've checked out Manfred's list of local luthiers (great resource, btw!!) but can't manage to find anyone listed on there who specializes in mandolin repair and restoration...

A mate of mine has an old mandolin which is something of a family heirloom (apparently about 100 years old!), it belonged to his grandfather and he is now looking to have it fixed up. I would normally say that any very good, reputable luthier could handle the job but the instrument has great sentimental value so he would really like to take it to someone who does a fair amount of work on mandolins and obviously knows their stuff. It has some serious tuning problems and he tells me that he would like to have a new bridge and tuners installed.

Can anybody recommend a luthier in Joburg who is a wiz with these instruments?

Thanks a million!
    I can't see how restoration of a mandolin would be that different from restoration of a violin or an archtop guitar. So look for people who specialise in good restoration work, not those who specialise in mandolins.

    My recommendation would be Andy McGibbon.
      Shot, Bob, I'll let him know...someone else also recommended Andy on Facebook and I have seen his name on these forums fairly often so he seems to be very highly-regarded. ?
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