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  • Gear
  • Semi Hollow Lady with some nice P90's

Xaviere are GuitarFetish' own brand name, made in China-type instruments, so you won't find them anywhere else. By all accounts, not as nice as the Agile stuff from Rondomusic, but they do have a few unique things, like the Zemaitis style shelltop guitars.

Then again, for the same price you can easily pick up one of the Ibanez hollows locally or a Cort Source. Even if you can't find a P90 model, you can easily and cheaply fit a set of Tonerider Rebel 90s (humbucker-sized P90s).
    Thanks I'll check them out. Maybe I should also check the Epi Casino?
      Blues Brother wrote: Maybe I should also check the Epi Casino?

      Note though the difference between these thinline archtops: the ones you posted are semi-acoustic. They have a block of solid wood running through the middle to which the neck is attached. The hollow bits just add a bit of flavour since the pickups are mounted in this solid block (or in the case of those dog-ear P90s, they're attached to a top that is itself attached to the solid centre block). The top has restricted vibration because it is attached to this centre block - even though this is often done with a strip of spruce for more vibration.

      But the Casino, and the Gibson ES330 are acoustic guitars with pickups mounted on the top. In other words they do not have this block and are completely hollow inside. They have a very different, more open sound, and are also much more prone to feedback - although this can be controlled. Two forum members have Gibson ES330s and are very happy with them. So yes, I think a Casino is a nice option.
        And this is exactly the reason for joining this forum! Helpful and informative

        Thanks for the feedback guys :applause:
          Blues Brother wrote: And this is exactly the reason for joining this forum! Helpful and informative

          Thanks for the feedback guys :applause:
          Yep, I get wonderful feedback from my ES330. ?
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