I see there are quite a lot of graphic designers and probably programmers on GFSA. Using these resources my suggestion is:
a Guitar oriented Facebook application. This can get alot more users onto the forum and it'll be fun to for us already addicted to GFSA.
My suggested story line:
You start as a newbie artist. You have 200 credits and you need to buy a guitar and start entering "battles". These battles are between your fellow artist and every battle you win you earn more credits to buy more and better gear. Having better gear makes you stronger. etc.... I think you get the idea....
What do you think?
Yeah, and in the end you get to face the evil wizard Norio and his righthand man Alan... FOR OWNERSHIP OVER THIS DOMAIN! and their souls... and gear...
Love the idea but it'll take a lot of effort to put together! Let's flesh it out a bit more and maybe we can do it next year.