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So I have always wanted to own a resonator guitar. Somewhere in the back of my mind it has lingered there over the years. Nothing electric mind you just a simple single cone down to earth acoustically driven resophonic guitar.
So when someone handed be a really beaten up Angelica steel string guitar, I decided that this was my opportunity.

I cut the hole in the top. Filled in the original hole. Added some very sexy F holes. Ordered a tail piece from eBay. Now Im looking for a cone and cover-plate at some kind of good price.
Failing that Im gonna use my dogs stainless steel drinking bowl and then fashion a shiny cover plate out of something I find around the place.

So my question is; Where can I find these kind of things in Cape Town?
Its got to look good. If anyone has any clues for me Im Ready and willing to hear.

I did my home work (google) and I find that there are ways of doing these things. Im looking to use the type of single cone thta sits with a biscuit bridge on the top. The biscuit bridge will be simple to make.
    Forget local supply - no-one will have the proper cones here. Import from a US store. Elderly Instruments have a good range.

    And no... you can't use your dog's bowl. ?
      Cool project, I have also had this idea lurking in the back of my head, although I'd rather go with a welded up copper body, so I thought to wait for a time when I had the means.

      +1 for biscuit resonator ?

      Unfortunately as far as I know you won't have luck finding those kinds of things in SA. Are you completely averse to the idea of ordering from yonder across the water? You'll just need the cone and cover plate, which you can get from Stewmac.com for reasonable prices.
        I think you should make a project thread with some pics!
          Yes I will take a few pics and put them together when Im done.
          Now . . . . for that dog bowl !!!
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