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So I am sitting here and jamming away on my Marshall JTM45, but it is making a loud "crackley" noise every now and again ??? >☹

I bought this amp 2nd hand from a local music shop, and suspect maybe loose soldering?

It is still under warranty, but do I take it back to the shop or should I get it checked out by an amp tech? (anyone know of a good tech)

I am in JHB area.

    Could be a dirty/worn out pot, valve socket or jack socket - especially if it has stood for a while. Could also be a dry join or even a faulty valve.

    Try clean the sockets with contact cleaner, rotate the knobs each a few times (they are supposed to be self cleaning). Remove valves and plug them back in a couple of times to make sure they are seating properly.

    Other than that, it's off to the tech...
      Thanks for the advicev Alan. I will try that. I have noticed the pot making a bit of noise - maybe that's the culprit >☹

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