Hey guys,
Need some advice/opinions about the Laney AH100 and AH200 amps. Now what makes them special is they're made to handle bass/lead/keayboard/drums. I want to play all of these through it since I do not have the capital to buy an amp for each one. Currently my instruments all run through my m-Audio sound card through to an entry level Peavey PA system.
Quality? Sound? Value for money?
R3395 for the AH100 and R5995 for the AH200. It will be used mostly at home, with SOME band practice and maybe one day a small gig or two.
Oh and I record on my pc so it must be able to connect to my sound card. It seems the AH100 heas headphone out only? Will this be sufficient if I connect that to my soundcard?
The AH amps are basically keyboard amps with a few more inputs - AKA: "PA in a combo amp" type efforts. So if you already have a PA it will be unnecessary duplication. You'd probably be better served by adding a pair of monitors on to your PA so you can hear yourselves better. BTW - Turnkey/Tuerk currently have a clearance going on Peavey stock and there are a few things to be had at good prices, so might rather be worth looking at upgrading your PA.
Also like a PA, they are not really electric guitar amps either, unless you use a POD or some other amp modeller. Fine for acoustic though.
I do use a Boss GT-8 for modelling yes. The main disadvantage to the PA is its not very loud and its a schlep to drag over to a friends house for a jam etc ?