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wow.... u got some serious tone going down there andrew, congrats
    I'm so happy the amp will be put to such good use in your care, Andrew. Clips sound great. What no recording can show though is how this amp's sound fills a room. The sound seems to wash out and embrace you without sounding like it's eminating from one source. My other open-back combos don't pull that off nearly as well. Still the best sounding amp I've owned. Wish I had the space to keep it and use it's massive power.
      NICE!!! shame we don't have a *drool* smiley ?

      Tell us about how you recorded and with what?

        Im still experimenting with Microphone techniques...

        At first I tried a Rode NT2A condensor, was not quite the sound I was looking for.
        The SM58 worked a lot better.

        The microphone was going into a Desk and then into my soundcard.

        The levels on these recordings were a bit low, and tone wise still a bit dark.

        When I raise the Clean Channel volume to about 3/4 it starts sounding a lot sweeter and the high's are more focused.

        But ideally I would like to capture a line signal as well as a mic signal.

        Will post sum more clips as soon as I can come up with a new riff ?

          Nice Andrew! At least you will put that amp to work - it is a good'un. A 58 would work - same capsule as a 57, just has a windscreen that makes it just a smidgeon smoother and darker than a 57 (which works well in some applications). The NT2A might work as an ambient mic, backed off a couple of metres.
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