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while browsing the book of faces this morning i came across an ad for guitar forums line 6 exclusive sale, (yes, i did "like" it)
but id like to ask,
1)WHO put it up on facebook?
2)HOW are you finding the facebook billing?
3)IS it alot of hassle to get going?

    1 - I use FB quite a bit for GFSA. It's how we got many of our original members. It's a great way to advertise free stuff, like this forum, but I've had much less success with it advertising paid stuff.

    2 - Billing is fine. I have it go off my PayPal account which has a cheque card linked to it - so it "just works".

    3 - Not much hassle to get going but you NEED to pay attention to your targeting. Keep it tight and focused and keep in mind that it doesn't work for everything. I find it works well for targeting people with specific passions & hobbies (like guitar) and less so for stuff like forex, running a small business, etc.
      thanks for the quick response and detailed info Norio...much appreciated...
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