VellaJ wrote:
So what's the difference between standard electric guitar amps and bass amps? Why I'm asking, is a friend that plays bass has the guitar, but can't afford and amp. Now I have a small Laney solid-state amp that I ain't using, but it's for standard electrics. Can she play the bass through this without damaging it?
Obviously the bass amps are designed specifically for the lower frequencies, while the standard amps aren't. But for purposes of practicing..?
Almost everyone will tel 'ya
NO !
Fair enough . . . but they keep forgetting (or they just do not know) that Lemmy of MotorHead plays his massive Rick bass guitar through 'standard' guitar heads, for decades.
And that fact can be backed up (ie. not sucking it outta me thumb) by a 2007 GUITARIST mag interview of the man.
Then you get the Orange Thunderverb 50 & 200 heads that are made for both guitar and bass guitar - killer amps that !