Since you go where angels fear to tread, let me chip in too. This biasing thing is quite difficult to grasp, but really simple in principle.
Note about high voltages:
* Check that your life insurance policy is up to date and the funeral plan sorted.
* Try to measure with one hand only; the black probe should be clipped with a crocodile clip onto a convenient earth.
* Stand on a rubber mat or wear rubber shoes.
* I have noted than when I get shocked, I tend to smack myself in the face or on the chest ? So your muscles contract involuntarily when electricity flows through your arm. So always keep your arm free from wires and proximity to sharp metal edges when the voltages are above 80VDC. I was working on an amp one day, while being barefoot. I had the guitar in my hands while probing around the amp; you know... tweaking the values for best tone. I do not know what I did, but when I came by, the guitar already completed it's upward journey, and was coming down, and I could actually catch it.
* After you have been shocked, you should leave the work bench and take some time to recover. Call it a day. Apart from the body effect of a shock, your brain also stops functioning properly (you are in shock). If you were stupid before being shocked, you are more so after being shocked, and might do the same silly thing again. Yeah, been there. Shocked twice in a row :-[
Here's the link to the 70% thing
Most amps are actually biased quite a bit colder than 70%. 50% is closer to factory preset. But 70% has a better clean tone typically.