Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
Hats off to you Singe...
Interestingly, after the (somewhat premature) deletion of the thread in question, the mods and I had a discussion where it was decided that we wouldn't start clamping down on things like black humour or strong language, but rather continue allowing members to self moderate these areas for themselves and between each other.
This does not mean that the forum will become an "anything goes" area, but this will rather allow the members to discuss and settle between themselves on what is acceptable for our community and what is not. This way, the limits should be able to adjust and change as social mores do, without interference from us or our own concepts of morality (or the lack therof in some cases ?). Also, rest assured that we can and will step in to reign in any continually troublesome individuals.
So Singemonkey, your decision to apologise now confirms that we made the correct decision (and that there is hope for us all after all ?).
well let me start by saying if this is because of that "humour" over the "guitarists and child molestation " thread, i applaud singemonkey for his apology , thank you ,
but as an argument to what alan wrote ( this is not a reponse for singemonkey but towards alan and the mods re his statement on the issue)
and i appologise for tagging this in the same post as singemonkeys appology but just bringing this up because alan posted that statement from him and the mods........... and i did think it needed a responce
child molestation/rape/nazi'ism/racism/discrimination may seem funny to some ......(normally those never personally or through a loved one affected by any of these actions) .... but one should never forget there are some of us who exerienced some of these incidents, and they are NOT ever " funny" to the victims of such actions...........
and you welcome to disagree,
but topics like child molestation / rape and abuse/ and jewish concentration camp humour and racism should be avoided.....
we have rules on the forum banning politics and religeon( for good reason) these should be added..........
having been active as a human rights activist and having my fathers mothers side of the family being jewish and met family who lost relatives in the camps .......... i have spent enough time around people who have been affected by these actions and i too have experienced discrimination so know how it feels ......and i have yet to hear anyone who has experienced child molestation/rape/or nazi'ism to ever laugh at a joke about it ......
in fact the result is the opposite and makes me and these people feel that the so called "joke" or "black humour" is actually an endorsement of the offensive action .
and even if the person making the joke will NEVER actually do anything of this nature themselves to anyone, or personally intend the "joke" to do harm , the mere fact that it's laughed about and not taken seriously , trivialises the issues , that someone else may end up committing these offenses because of this trivialisation , with devastating results to the victims