Hi everyone,
I'm from Johannesburg and am a brand new member of the forum! I love progressive rock and metal, but also almost anything else, as long as it's good music! I've been playing guitar for about 7 years now and have really grown to like the freedom of the instrument. I've had lessons for about a year (basic A,D,C and G chords) when I was just starting out. From there I've taught myself pretty much everything I know, albeit not as much as I'd like. I am now 20 years old.
My gear includes the following:
Some cheap Stagg acoustic,
Ibanez RGR320EX,
Ibanez RGA7,
Ibanez S420 (yes, I'm an Ibanez fanboy :-[)
Soon: Ibanez S7420
Amps: (Don't judge me just yet)
Crate GT212 120watt transistor,
Soon: Marshall JVM410 + 2x12 cab
Boss GT-10,
Boss DS-1
And that's about it for me, gear wise.
Besides that, I love to talk about anything guitar related and I'm always keen to learn more!