Hi Guys,
Ever since I got the Marshall AFD100 my, JCM2000 TSL 60w combo has not been played. I decided I'd like to trade it on something different and so it's been on Gumtree for a while, as nothing that had been offered as a trade up till now had much appeal to me.
I've recently had someone offer me a Fender Blues Deville 410 as a swap. Now, all I've ever really known is Les Pauls and Marshalls. I'm an absolute Philistine when it comes to Fender amps and guitars for that matter, and so need some help from the Fender afficionados out there.
Please could you guys tell me more about the Blues Deville; What's good about it, what's bad, what should I expect from an amp like this, is it likely to sound good with a Les Paul etc?
I'm a Rock and Blues kinda guy, and I've got the LP + Marshall rock tone thing covered, and now I'm hoping the Blues Deville will be a nice Blues and clean amp to add a bit of variety to the tones I have available to me.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry, just to clarify, the amp in question is actually not a Blues Deville Reissue, but rather the Blues Deville. Amp was manufactured around 1995 according to the seller.
Was it something I said....? :'(
Ok I'll give my 2c...
There is someone who is trying to sell a Blues Deville as you described, for quite a long time on Gumtree. The only thing I know about the amp which may be hampering the sale is that it is LOUD....
sorry, I meant to say LOUD !!!!
I was also interested at some stage but it would not have suited my purposes. (I think it is 60W but did I mention, it is ..... ?
Basically, they are a Tweed Bassman on steroids (which could also be a description of the earlier Marshall amps). They do work fairly well with humbuckers, but I'm not sure if it would be enough of a difference for you to justify it. Basically, You'd have to try it and see.