karoo wrote:
Hi guys
I'm currently on the hunt for a 2x12 cabinet. I saw the fender one in the ads section, but other than that, everywhere I look people are only selling 4x12 cabs. Why are 2x12 cabs so scarce? Where can I find one?
Dunno why more people don't have them. 4x12s are completely unwieldy and unnecessary I think. Can't think what they are used for these days. You only mic one speaker at big gigs so the rest of them just adds more stage volume (bad) and they may be too big and loud (depending on the amp) at smaller venues. Plus did I say they're big and unwieldy?
There's a fair selection available in most bigger shops. Depends what sound you want and how much you'd like to pay. Speaker selection is important i.e. a Celestion IS NOT a Celestion IS NOT a Celestion... (same with the other brands). Big difference between, say, a Greenback, Vintage30, G12T-75 etc.