Girlfriends dads old amp, absolutely mint. 15" Pioneer speaker, has Trem and Reverb. Not a highly collectable or desireable item but definately has that lovely old vintage valve sound. 8)
are these valves available? and are they more expensive than EL84s? Girlfriend says it makes odd noises so I assume it has leaky caps and the valves are original from the 60s so it may be time to replace.Karel wrote: I have just worked on a Checkmate 25 and can post more details:
This amp does not use EL84's! It needs 7189's which are similar to EL84 but can take significantly higher voltages without self destructing.
7189 Ratings
Vh Ih VaMax Vg2 Max Pa Max Pg2 Max
6.3 0.76 400 300 12 2.0
7189 Application Data
Class Va Vg2 Vg1 Ia Ig2 Zout Pout
AB1 400 300 -15.0 15.0 1.6 8,000 24.0
You can get 24 watts out of 7189's - thus "Checkmate 25" This is only possible with fixed bias; which the Checkmate 25 has.
Compare that to EL84
EL84 Ratings
Vh Ih VaMax Vg2Max VhkMax PaMax Pg2Max IkMax
6.3 0.76 300 300 100 12 2 65
EL84 Application Data
Class Va Vg2 Ia Ig2 Rk Zout Pout THD
AB1 P/P 250 250 62-75 7-15 130 shared 8,000 11 8
AB1 P/P 300 300 72-92 8-22 130 shared 8,000 17 10
You can get 17 watts out of two EL84's in push-pull with MAX 300V between the anode and the cathode. Thus the "18 watter"
Amp has sentimental value, I highly doubt they would sell unfortunately.Gunfighter wrote: Hey man, interested in selling at all ? I have just the head, but looking to buy both head and cab.