So I have my deluxe and it sounds fantastic, but there's a problem. For most of the year I stay in a small flat in Cape Town, and true to form, the neighbors have been neighing about volume.. Thus the need for a small amp to play at +- TV sound levels.
I would ultimately love a 5W attenuable tube amp, something along the lines of a Champ, but I'll leave that project in the pipeline until I've saved a bit of cash. My goal now is to build a small SS amp, that will put out between 0.5 and 1W, with the capability to run on a battery.
The circuit will be based on the Ruby, a 9V audio amplifier designed for guitar based on the LM386 audio amplifier IC.
I will also be including a tone control based on the Baxandall tone shaping circuit, wired on a dual concentric pot.
I'll be using the 386-4 IC, which is rated up to 18V supply so that I can use a higher supply voltage to somewhat minimize the losses of the tone circuit.
I'm going to build a nice mini head and cab arrangement with some stuff I have left over from my deluxe build.
I will be using 2x 4ohm Pioneer 6' drivers in series. They're obviously not ideal as they're car speakers and not voiced for guitar, but I have them lying around and hopefully they will sound ok. I will always be able to replace them later.
All in all I'm anticipating a cost of about R200 excluding the stuff I already have.
More soon.