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Hey Guys

I recently bought a Vox AC30 Super Twin head and cab (1964/65). The head is all original except that the front cloth grille has been replaced with black tolex. The cab is built to original specs and has two Celestion K12T - 100 speakers. The amp sounds incredible!

However, the tolex is quite scratched and I am considering recovering it. I also have a Roland Bolt 60W (most underrated valve amp in the world, in my humble opinion) - sounds like a Mesa Boogie at a fraction of the cost. This too needs a recover.

So, anyone know of any local suppliers of tolex or an alternative material that works?

    Wait, do you want the tolex, or the grille cloth??
      Both really

      If I can figure out how to post pics, I will show you some shots of the amp
        to post pictures, are you subscribed to facebook? f so, upload the photo to facebook, its the easiest photo hosting site. or, if you'd like, register at photobucket.
        then, add the image url here in img tags. you get the tags by clicking the second icon from the left, its directly underneath the italic sign...
        so you highlight your link, and click the image tag button... voila...

        as for the grille cloth... im not sure myself...
        the tolex... i have wondered about that... as its just vinyl not so??
        you can buy good quality vinyl from material shops!!!

        otherwise, if you'd like to import, www.stewmac.com is a good option...
        that confirms its just vinyl btw... so any material shop... but get good quality vinyl!

        and there will definitely be other guys coming in giving their help too!!
          Thanks Norman, much appreciated.
            TS10 wrote: Thanks Norman, much appreciated.
            Hi TS10....I sent you an email a few minutes ago

            Welcome to the Forum ! ?
              Sweet, no problems!! hope you come right!! ?
                Local vinyl doesn't come close! Over the years I thought I was getting similar stuff until I started bringing some real tolex. Have samples here with me but I'm in nelspruit.
                The real stuff is really tough and doesn't stretch when you pull it. Also the thumbnail test. Press into it and see if it leaves a mark.
                If you gonna fix up a 64/65 please use the real thing. You won't regret it. I can't afford to keep to much of it but have black bronco. Which is nothing like "vox tolex". I'm actually wanting to bring in and sell but wonder if market is big enough.
                  bottledtone wrote: Local vinyl doesn't come close! Over the years I thought I was getting similar stuff until I started bringing some real tolex. Have samples here with me but I'm in nelspruit.
                  The real stuff is really tough and doesn't stretch when you pull it. Also the thumbnail test. Press into it and see if it leaves a mark.
                  If you gonna fix up a 64/65 please use the real thing. You won't regret it. I can't afford to keep to much of it but have black bronco. Which is nothing like "vox tolex". I'm actually wanting to bring in and sell but wonder if market is big enough.
                  That's right...the real thing is not cheap but worth it as you say.
                    i dunno... just with different grades of material, you get different grades of vinyl!
                    so dont buy the cheapest vinyl! shop around!
                      Try U & G fabrics: They might not have what you're looking for down to the T, but they have some really cool stuff that might even be nicer. Look in the hides catalogue specifically.

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