That they stink to high heaven is more than certain, you don't even need to cut it to notice, that's why we pay people to take care of the pigs rather ?
Ray wrote:
Tusq is good but it costs a lot (unless someone can tell me where to get it cheap.
Animal tusks are also not so reliable. They use the things for digging and fighting a bit and they get damaged. And I guess it's like us with teeth - it depends on your diet and wellness how they turn out.
Good point, the species that is dominant in our area has thick, straight tusks though and only about kwarter to a third of the tusk is exposed most of the time, so I'd imagine there would be quite allot of material that is out of the line of fire, so to speak.
For me it's more a matter of conscience but hey if you want a bit of animal on your guitar or hang crocodile teeth on your hat and there's lots of tusks going to waste then give it a go.
They're worse than rats in my neck of the woods, so I don't feel guilty about using them, and allot goes to waste, if it can be used, even better, but to each his own.
X-rated Bob wrote:
Some observations and things that the crafstpersons involved have told me
1) Appearance is not as consistent as it is with tusq or micarta.
2) I don't have any experience with micarta but tusq seems to wear a lot quicker than bone/tusk/ivory
3) Wastage is high. This goes to the point that Ray was making about tusks and reliability. Mervyn Davis told me that he has no idea how many nuts he can cut from a tusk until he starts sawing into it because there maybe hollow or rotten areas or cracks within.
4) Tusk is - I'm told - hard on your tools and stinks to high heaven when you're cutting it with a powered saw.
Alan Ratcliffe wrote:
No idea...
Seems like a bit of uncertainty mostly, IF I was able to salvige a couple of tusks next time (note, IF, going back to the part that they stink should indicate allot of endurance on my part to hack halfway through a pig's head *votch*) would somebody here maybe be willing to try and get some nuts and saddles cut and tell me how it works?
Just a note for clearity incase it's needed, I'm not interessted in supplying, selling, processing, whatever of these things' tusks, I'm merely interested in its worth as a material for guitar building, once I've had my answer, that'll be the end of it,
I'm certainly NOT willing to harvest and post these things all over the place on a regular basis.