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  • Gear
  • Mesa Boogie TransAtlantic - Should I??

Hi guys!

So i'm the new kid on the block! Don't know why it took me so long to discover this forum.

I need your advice on importing a valve amp head from the states or canada. I'll be going there at the end of the year and wanted to bring back a head back with me. Have a few options in mind, but one would be the Mesa Boogie Trans Atlantic 30 Watt head. The question I have is what modifications does the amp need to run on our 240V 50Hz power supply? Also, is this mod reliable and is it worth all the trouble?

    New transformer. If you buy the correct transformer, and get a good tech, it's reliable. Is it worth the savings? My opinion is no. Rather try buy one second hand.
      I would do it...

      Things you should consider thou:
      -your warranty will expire as soon as you do any modifications...
      -replacing a transformer can be expensive

      Are you super set on the mesa?
      Some amps, like some orange's can run on both?
      There's a little switch at the back that you just flip..

      Actually I could have sworn some mesas also have that feature?
        Some amps, like some orange's can run on both?
        There's a little switch at the back that you just flip..

        Actually I could have sworn some mesas also have that feature?

        i should definitely think so.. otherwise they really missed a trick.
          No I'm not set on the Mesa. I was just wondering if the conversion could be made. I want to go over and play with as many amps as possible (smaller than say 50W) and then make a choice on the sound. But the other option is to go looking for some here in SA, then I don't have to worry about mods and warranties. I do mainly small gigs and record in my living room, so want something small that I can push into the sweet spot. But also something that will stand out when it needs to.
            If you're going to be over, you can get a tech to do it there if you have the time. That will be the best bet, then you don't even have to pick out the exact transformer ?
              Vick wrote: I would do it...

              Things you should consider thou:
              -your warranty will expire as soon as you do any modifications...
              What you should remember is that if you buy it overseas, you dont get the local warranty. It's called gray importing, and while
              it's not illegal or anything the local importers aren't going to honour any warranties repairs. Happened with a mate of mines Boogie Express
              he got from the USA, he had to pay all the costs of fixing it.
                a month later
                OK one thing that I would do is to use a stepdown transformer of similar size to the amp power transformer, ie if the amp power transformer is 100w 110Vac I would get a 120w 230Vac to 110Vac step down transformer and connect
                the secondary winding of my stepdown transformer to my amps power transformer primary winding. Then connect the stepdown transformer primary winding the a 230Vac mains(SA) and the amp will then be running on 110Vac which is actually stepped down from 230Vac.

                This would work at the cost of buying an additional stepdown power transformer, which is about R400 depending where you buy...
                  karoo wrote: Hi guys!

                  So i'm the new kid on the block! Don't know why it took me so long to discover this forum.

                  I need your advice on importing a valve amp head from the states or canada. I'll be going there at the end of the year and wanted to bring back a head back with me. Have a few options in mind, but one would be the Mesa Boogie Trans Atlantic 30 Watt head. The question I have is what modifications does the amp need to run on our 240V 50Hz power supply? Also, is this mod reliable and is it worth all the trouble?

                  Dude import? why not buy it locally? saw them retailing for R12k here in Centurion.

                  PM me if you want the name ofthe store..
                    Guido, if i remember correctly, Karoo bought Zark's Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier head ?
                      jip, I bought Zark's dual rectifier...I'm in love!!!
                        Joe Moore wrote:
                        Hey , If you or anyone else is interested , Marshall Music Woodmead has both the TA-30 head and the TA-30 combo versions ...in stock 8)
                        Damn and blast, I'm going to have to find some spare time to pop in and give the TA-30 a try: I bought my TA-15 head with two black Lonestar 1x12 cabs about this time last year off Marshall Music, it's been my main gigging amp ever since. I absolutely love it! Ever since the TA-30 was announced I've wanted one...
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