Dunno if this post belongs with amps, guitar, or fx?
Sorry if this has been covered extensively before, or if my ignorance causes anyone to go...well, duh!!!
I searched under ABY and splitter box, but it seems splitting coils and bABY and lullABY are the only results yielded.
I've tried running my two amps in stereo using a Ibanez Analogue Delay Pedal. Works fine. I like the result and would like to explore more, so I was thinking of getting a ABY sellector of some sorts. (That way I can still use my delay as such.
After some googling it seems some loss of signal becomes an issue. This has in fact been my experience using the Ibanez. Some products like the Radial Switchbone apparently boosts one's tone.
What's the best route to go?
I prefer something under R1 000. (Okay, Ill double that for something really useful and a proper keeper...)
I'd prefer not to have to make use of more power supplies. Yet, not loose signal (my peavey starts breaking up much later when I tried this), and at the same time not have my guitar's tone altered too much.
Definately no added hum, buzz, fizz, crackle or pop, PLEASE.
Do I just need a DI box or something more specific?
Help, anybody.
I split my signal with my boss tu-2 (first in chain) at the moment, but will probably upgrade to a radial twin city or Lehle p-split in the future.
I looked into this a while back and I don't think you'll get away with a splitter which does not require a power supply. You need the ones with the transformer, which need a power supply, otherwise you sit with the signal degradation issues. They should work off the normal 9V DC supply though.
I'm no expert though ?
Thanks for the info. I kinda figure as much (about the power supply).
I'm no expert and would welcome some more product specific info, anyone? Also bearing in mind what we can git in S.A. and what is available, where...
It seems there are quite a few options, brandwise, but I will definately look into the two you mentioned.
Thanks too, Alan. I have an MXR Tremolo, and although I might on occation want to use the amps for such specific stereo effects, what I meant rather was that I'd like to send the same signal to both amps (with no time delay.) THat way I can have my Peavey Classic 50 slightly overdriven with the Roland JC-120 on chorus. (The chorus by itself is a bit lush to my taste and as anyone knows there is no distortion on the Roland to speak of.)
Have the best of both, so to speak. This also lends a far greater amount of definition to jazzy chords such as I frequently employ.
Somewhere on the net there was a debate on whether this classify as stereo and it was suggested that shis should be termed "running amps in tantem", however, I reckon Stereo simply means a spatial split of sound/s to a left and a right source; no need for splitting hairs, right?
BTW, I too have a TU-2, but it didn't even occur to me to use it like this.