Greetings to all.
I'm Azathoth (unfortunate name, I know - parents were Lovecraft mad, j/k).
I've been playing guitar and bass for some years now, though with not as much dedication as I would like.
I enjoy a lot of music but mostly black/death/thrash/prog metal. As far as playing guitar goes, however, I prefer to play classical guitar. Bass - I play whatever is fun - funk, metal, jazz, anything goes.
I'm not as good a musician as I would like to be, but then almost no-one is, eh? I just play for the love of the matter and it's good to relax whilst actually doing/creating something.
At this point , I live on a farm in the middle of nowhere, though I am from JHB.
Good to see Lovecraft is not unknown around these parts!
Other than doing exactly that, singemonkey, I keep horses and work with them (main interest there) and do your general farming biz.