So as the thread header states I made a visit to Marshall Music Woodmead today and played a couple of guitars through a couple of amps.
I played a Paul Reed Smith SE Torero through a Bogner Alchemist 112 (on special clearance price for R9100). The PRS was obviously not set up to go, but still not bad to play. Very comfortable contours and sits nicely in your lap, but the active EMG's aren't for me.
As for the Bogner, I've always had a soft spot for them, it was at best mediocre. I couldn't crank it, but in my opinion doesn't sound better than my Randall RG50TC at the lower volumes at both the 20w and 40w settings.
I also played an Epiphone Dot (still not quite sure why I even picked it up though, very glad I did) through a Mesa Boogie Express (not sure which model). I completely fell in love with the Epiphone, from clean tones to crunch and overdrive it sounded great. It has a bit higher action than what I'm used to, but it just felt right. Altough I'm sure most guitars would sound good through a Mesa Boogie, for R3600 it is a steal.
What I learned today, actives are too harsh for me, the only Bogner is the Extacy, Mesa Boogie is Mesa Boogie, I love the Epiphone Dot and I'm getting old.
I played a Paul Reed Smith SE Torero through a Bogner Alchemist 112 (on special clearance price for R9100). The PRS was obviously not set up to go, but still not bad to play. Very comfortable contours and sits nicely in your lap, but the active EMG's aren't for me.
As for the Bogner, I've always had a soft spot for them, it was at best mediocre. I couldn't crank it, but in my opinion doesn't sound better than my Randall RG50TC at the lower volumes at both the 20w and 40w settings.
I also played an Epiphone Dot (still not quite sure why I even picked it up though, very glad I did) through a Mesa Boogie Express (not sure which model). I completely fell in love with the Epiphone, from clean tones to crunch and overdrive it sounded great. It has a bit higher action than what I'm used to, but it just felt right. Altough I'm sure most guitars would sound good through a Mesa Boogie, for R3600 it is a steal.
What I learned today, actives are too harsh for me, the only Bogner is the Extacy, Mesa Boogie is Mesa Boogie, I love the Epiphone Dot and I'm getting old.