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As you gun fanatics already know, this weekend was HuntEx. Was a lot of fun and there was lots and lots of guns, knives and camping equipment. The highlight for me was having the opportunity to shoot a .50 caliber sniper rifle.

Below is a comparison of a .50 caliber round to other rounds, the left being the .50 and the right a .22.

And of course a video of me firing it. Take note of the size of the magazine.

    I've put a few rounds through a 50 cal very similar to that one. It's noticable, but not as flinch inducing as I thought it would be ? . It weighed a tonne !

    Could anybody get a shot with the 50 cal at the show ? I'm out of town and kicking myself for missing the show.
      You had to pay R150 and then you're good, a 10year old girl shot it as well. So much for making me feel manly.
        this is the fifty I'd really like to shoot. Actually it's eight fifties. And I've heard it's a little tricky to control. You have to take classes and everything ?

        Carry on.
          Haha! I always get a trip down memory lane when I read about 50 caliber stuff.

          This is a true story.

          Circa 1982, as a member of Gatsrand Commando, I was called up for duty in what was then South-West Africa. We had to do guard duty at various locations. One particular post was something we were not happy about. It was basically a scaffolding tower with some planks at the top. No lights. No nothing. We couldn't see much but we were visible and exposed.

          So we complained. We got some sand bags. Then we said "well it would be nice to have some nice hardware up there, since we're likely to have people firing rockets at us."

          The next day when I went up there there was a .50 Browning. This was progress. No ammunition though, but it's the army and the wheels sometimes turn slowly.

          So the next day when we're relieved the major asks us if we're happier now. We say "Major, thanks a lot for the Browning. It would be nice to have some ammunition. At the moment we'd have to lure the terrs in real close and then drop the thing on top of them."

          He says "You can't have ammunition! Don't be stupid! The recoil will knock the tower over."
            Haha. And they say the SADF was one of the most dangerous and efficient infantry outfits in the world.

            Does anyone remember the movie where some people are attacked in a building by someone with a barret light .50. I'm thinking it might have been an action film a la Die Hard. And the attacker is shooting holes through the wall? Very dramatic, but I can't remember what it was.
              There was SADF and then there was SADF, I guess. I would have loved to have a go on the bofors setups they used to mount on sentry positions. DAKKADAKKADAKKADAKKADAKKA!! :evil:
                X-rated Bob wrote: Haha! I always get a trip down memory lane when I read about 50 caliber stuff.

                So the next day when we're relieved the major asks us if we're happier now. We say "Major, thanks a lot for the Browning. It would be nice to have some ammunition. At the moment we'd have to lure the terrs in real close and then drop the thing on top of them."

                He says "You can't have ammunition! Don't be stupid! The recoil will knock the tower over."
                Great story Bob, I had a good laugh.
                  Wish they had a show like that in CPT, I would give my left nut to get my hands on a 50cal!
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